Truth about Living in The Past

Nano nano nano seconds after something happens, our brain signals something to our mind (the observer) which is our consciousness.

The point is, we live in the past and there is no way to exist in the present moment unless we were no longer conscious.   This also helps the theory that if we move the speed of light, we will see no past or future because time doesn’t exist.

After a conversation with Dad, we realized, our bodies are ALIVE in the present moment breathing, blinking and receiving energy to relay in different mediums of taste, touch, smell, sound, sight and emotion, to our  brain to our mind.

We exist where our mind is do we not?  The thinker is me, I am in my head- I am perceiving and observing.

After spending 10 days in silence at a Vipassana retreat meditating in the desert near Joshua Tree National Forest, I was taught and realized we don’t even have to react to the sensations that come and go from inside our body and outside out body.  If you have an itch, you can observe it and be annoyed temporarily but it goes away and if you pay attention, you can do NOTHING about it.  You can have no reaction. This is when it is clear that there is consciousness that we can pay attention to and make more peaceful through diligent attention.

The Phases of H2O Explain Something about Our Soul

As one stares at water, a new question may develop about the soul.  Are our souls made of old material or new material? Energy that is old and from something else or brand new energy?  Water in a raging river is H2O.  It moves to the sky like a cloud, leaves the dirt behind on the dried up river bed and then changes into a Snowflake a few weeks later during a cold storm.  This whole time it is H2O. When it is a river, it is a river it doesn’t remember how to be and IS NOT BEING a snowflake at the moment.  When its a cloud it doesn’t remember how to be a river because its currently being a cloud in that moment as we note it and recognize it as a cloud.

The answer so far to the former question is: Old material. We are cleansed when our soul comes to a new baby’s brain from some other place in some other form that we wouldn’t remember because now we are a human and in the moment of being a human.  Its like the transition of H2O from water to the sky when it leaves the dirt behind in the riverbed.

When we die, our souls choose a direction.  Either the direction similar to the freezing of water or the other direction, that of evaporating water;  It could move faster with more energy or slower with less.  Either way, our energy doesn’t disappear.  In a streak of consecutive hot days you might ask ” Where did the river go?”  We are educated and know that it only changed forms but never really left.  Our energy may never leave this place but we likely will not remember that we were ever a soul in a human body with consciousness as the snowflake is a snowflake, not a cloud anymore.  You can only BE what you are NOW. A snowflake cannot be a river. It is impossible.

Its possible that all of our energy that we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is the result of slowed down light.   As a neurosurgeon I met once said, if we travel at the speed of light, time will not exist because time is a constant.  A dot on the graph.  Because gravity has the power to bend light, it therefor bent time just enough for our solar system to exist beside the sun.  We see things with relativity because gravity has made room for us to go faster and slower in our cars and planes between the confining boundaries of the speed of light and the extent the light bends due to the power of gravity.

Mixed in the above thought are two theories:

  1. Our souls never die rather, they transition to a new vibration/frequency or tune that our eyes, ears, nose, fingers, and tongue cannot perceive (why would those 5 senses see a soul, those are meant only for this earth).
  2. Its possible that there is no such thing as time in the universe due to the fact that the speed of light is a constant and we are in a safe place where the speed of light is bent just enough to slow down for the earth and life to exist and time is messed up so bad from gravity that life and death happen.

Without a doubt — we are directly and absolutely reliant on the normal daily word: light as a constant.

Photo taken on HWY 70 Past Pulga, CA of a ripple of water from draining rooftop.

Nahko and Medicine for The People

This band plays songs that help us see the better side of life and the better side of ourselves.  Nahko Bear has an openness and acceptance for whatever one is at the moment and wherever one is on their journey through the mind’s interpretation of our lives.  This is a link to a song that I like on you tube-

click on: Budding Trees

Human Speed Compared to Speed of Light: Relativity Explained

If you take the speed of light rounded up to 300,000,000 meters pr second and divide 40,000,000 meters into it which is the distance around the world, we get the time it takes to go around the world once at the speed of light.  The time it takes is .133 seconds.  I round that down to .1 for easier math today.  What this means is we can do something at human speed that takes a human one second–like draw a small circle and when we draw that one small circle that took us one-second to draw, someone else who knew how to travel at the speed of light would be able to go around the world 10 times. The person traveling at the speed of light would be able to come check on us drawing the one-second circle 10 times in one second to see our 10th of a progress on the circle each time around.  That is how SLOW we move compared to the speed of light.

For a human to go around the world it would take an airplane that travels 253 m/s roughly 44 hours.  Now compare our reality of .13 seconds for light to get around the world to 44 hours it would take an airplane traveling at an average speed of 567mph aka 253m/s.  They both mean exactly the same thing depending on which eye is used to travel around the world because time does not change as it is determined by the constant speed of light.  

Peace… Peace… Peace…

There are noticeably two types of people. This is the best start I have.  There is a type who chooses the good way. They stop on the road to assist.  It’s the person who intends to stop and will when the universe allows them. It’s the person who loves unconditionally the screaming baby at the bus station or even on the bus. It is an enlightened being that doesn’t live in this world. They live in a place in their mind that accepts and appreciates and loves.  A place that only lets love in and only lets love out.  This love is seen through a forgiveness and an acceptance of every minute of life. A constant alignment of self. “Reconnect self to peace. Reconnect self to peace. Reconnect self to peace. Reconnect self to peace. Mind to peace. mind peace. Mind peace. Peace…

Jan 19, 2016 Goal:

Find a universal description of the soul, of love, of truth and of beauty because we all can agree on the fact that this very thought of all of us agreeing on one thought is possible because this thought was just thought of. So we have just proven that we can create something we all agree on–which is the thought of the thought that we all agree on one thought.