We are All One

If you think about all of your gifts and sometimes see the overlap in others who have the same, you feel connected. Every once in a while you run into a person who is admirable but nothing like you.  The way they are is a mystery to you. What if there is one complete mind and we are all part of it as individually conscious observers. As one old person dies a baby is born and the gifts of that old person are transferred to the born baby.  The ONE complete consciousness is never incomplete just because there is a death. It always exists through the transferring of gifts when someone is born. We share some overlapping gifts because the gifts are not ours as walking human beings. They exist beyond us and we just get to hold them or enact them naturally- maybe they were assigned to our DNA.  Just ideas. The more we get to know one another,  the closer we get to being one conscious mind with all gifts connected and developing more love or more understanding or more peace.  Peace, understanding and love come from interactions.

Henry David Thoreau tried to study himself by being secluded from human interaction. He made a simple life and reflected on the world and our purpose in it. Its good to spend time knowing ourselves but we need to have someone with whom we can share what we learn. He would have had no purpose in writing of his understanding of our purpose if he didn’t subconsciously feel there was the purpose for his work: he would be sharing it with someone else- me- today.